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Google Cloud Setup


In order to configure Google Cloud deployment you need to give aether access to Googles Monitoring. This can be done via two ways

Provide a Json key file

First you need to be authenticate your gcloud cli and create a service account

gcloud auth login

Set the project you want to create the service account for

# this will use your default configure project
# change to the project you want aether to work with
PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)

create the service account

gcloud iam service-accounts create aether \
--description "SA used for aether integration" \
--display-name "aether"

aether needs some access to query metrics

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT} \
--member serviceAccount:aether@${PROJECT} \
--role roles/viewer

generate the credentials json file

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create credentials.json \

and then we can create a kubernetes secret from this file

kubectl create secret generic credentials \

once this secret has been created you can update your values.yaml file pointing to this secret

secretName: "credentials"

Workload Authentication


Provider Configuration

In order to configure aether to pull metrics from a project you need to set the gcp provider configuration as follows in the

# GCP Provider
# List of projects to scrape
- project: 'my-google-cloud-project-id'
# If credentials is not set, it will default to
# This is where the credentials secret will be
# volumed into
filepath: "/etc/secrets/credentials.json"

once you have updated your config, you can run:

helm upgrade --install aether aether/aether -f values.yaml

and aether should start scraping your metrics and calculating your emissions